
Welcome to Troop 156

Boy Scout Troop 156 meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM usually in the Gideon Welles School cafeteria. Youth ages 10 to 17 are always welcome to join. Just come by and see us on most Wednesdays. Please check our Calendar or contact us at, because we’re often out camping or having fun in some other way! 



Mt Greylock - AT  Backpacking Trip November 2023


Boston Urban Hike 2023

Gettysburg - 2022 (Picket's charge)


Mt. Marcy - High Adventure Trip

Deer Lake 2021

Mt. Monadnock 2021


Yawgoog Tournament Champions 2017

Yawgoog Tournament Champions 2017

Klondike Derby 2016

AT Hike 2014

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 In front of the George Washing Bridge on the '14 Urban Hike



Our chartering organization is
The Congregational Church
in South Glastonbury.

Scouts of all Faiths
in our Troop

2024 Scouting for Food

Posted by dknaul on Dec 19 2024 - 9:19am

On December 15, the scouts of Troop 156 completed their annual Scouting for Food service project. Despite a little smaller troop this year than last, participation was great.  We collected 3,139 pounds of food which will be distributed through Hands on Hartford to make the holiday season a little brighter for hungry people in the community.  Hopefully everyone sampling the expired food comes through unscathed!!  


Deer Lake 2024

Posted by dknaul on Dec 19 2024 - 9:08am

14 Scouts, 8 adults and a 2 Webelos attended our annual Deer Lake campout.  The weather was great, with a few scouts and adults choosing tenting in the near freezing temps (and quiet) over the cabin. Scouts and a few adults fit through Fat Man Squeeze on an afternoon hike following a morning fire building competition.  The traditional trash can turkeys along with typical Thanksgiving sides were on the menu.  The silver spatula competition was for desert, and featured two variations on dutch oven brownies, home-made soda, caramelized pineapple, and Graham's dutch oven "volcano cake" as the winner.  Dad entries included pumpkin pie baked inside a pumpkin in the fire and homemade ice cream.  



Bear Mt AT Hike Campout

Posted by bvincelette on Nov 19 2024 - 9:15am

7 Scouts, 6 adults and a Webelos 1 enjoyed great weather for a weekend backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail.  This year's trip was to a section of the trail in Connecticut that featured Lion's Head and Bear Mountains.  Scouts were reminded of the importance of packing light on the hike up the mountains, but were able to enjoy a beautiful campsite by Brasse Brook.  After dinner there was another fireless campfire program, due to the campfire ban on the AT, featuring lots of bad jokes and some classic stories.  Everyone got a taste of cold weather camping as Saturday night temperatures dipped into the mid 20's, but were well rested for the quick hike downhill back to the trailhead on Sunday morning.  




Devils Hopyard Campout

Posted by bvincelette on Oct 29 2024 - 8:21am

12 Scouts, 7 adults and a couple of visiting Webelos & parents enjoyed a fun filled weekend at Devils Hopyard State Park. 

Scouts worked on their lashing skills as they built an apple chucker/ acorn thrower taking aim at a few trees. The afternoon

started off with a hike to a nice valley view, the Devil's oven and then Chapman falls, where a few brave scouts went for a brisk

October swim. Scouts kept up their spirits as they returned to camp and worked on their silver spatula cooking competition.

Mac & cheese, Fried chicken sandwich and Beef Stroganoff entries were made with the Beef Stroganoff taking the win.

Congratulations Michael, Caeden and Connor. The evening wrapped up with a fireless campfire program, due to high forest fire danger,

with many skits, songs, jokes and stories. Till next time!





Block Island Campout

Posted by dknaul on Sep 29 2024 - 10:52pm

Nine scouts and six adults traveled to Rhode Island, planning for a weekend of camping and a day of biking around Block Island.  Unfortunately, weather intervened and the group found the Point Judith ferries canceled for the day due to heavy seas and high wind.  The group quickly pivoted and planned a mainland bike route along the coast to the town of Narraganset.  Along the way, they visited the Point Judith lighthouse, Hazard Rock, and a calamari festival.  Despite the wind and rain, a great time was had by all.  



High Adventure Trip - Mount Washington and other mountains

Posted by bvincelette on Sep 10 2024 - 9:27am

5 Brave scouts and 4 adults traveled to the White Mountains in New Hampshire for some adventure.

They hiked over 40 miles, climbed 3 Presidential peaks(Madison, Washington, Pierce) totalling over

11,000 feet of elevation gain. Scouts (and adults) were challenged physically and mentally to overcome lots

of obstacles as they experienced 2 back to back 11 hour days of hiking, getting back to camp as the last bit

of sunlight was fading away. There are many stories of crazy trails with big boulders, large ups and downs,

overgrown trees, suspension bridges, lots of rock hoping and water filtering from the mountain streams. The AT huts

were a welcome rest stop and the swimming holes helped our bodies and legs recover from all the work put

into this amazing adventure. Scouts learned why it is so important to prepare and respect the mountain as they

read about the people that lost their lives in the presidential range. We were lucky to have great weather and some 

awesome campsites to make this a trip to remember!